Site rules/ guide lines

General Rules

1st dont be a d(£✓

Wear your mask at all time on the Battlefield.

Use the Honor System; Call your hits. Cheating will not be tolerated.

Do not blind fire. You must be able to see your target.

If you see someone cheating, do not argue in-game. Call them out to a referee.

Do not move, jump over, or alter any obstacles.

When you are hit, call it out loud and walk to the respawn area with your arms up high.

Make sure you’ve cleared your replica of any ammo and remove your magazine, put on your barrel sock and switch your replica to safety when entering the Deadzone.

Do not argue with other players. See a referee if you have a concern.

No physical contact.

No foul language.

Semi-automatic only when inside buildings.

Do not point lasers above the neck.

No sound devices such as sound grenades are permitted.

Close-toed shoes only.

Referees have the final say.

A. Field Protocol

1. Learn the rules as may be outlined by a Briefing Referee. Remember these rules and follow them. If there are unclear points then approach the Briefing Referee, or any Referee for clarification.


2. Be ready to play again as soon you are eliminated, or the game period is over, whichever comes first.


3. Listen to all battlefield referees. Failure to respond to or obey the rules of the field can get you suspended and or banned from the battle field.


4. When in the safe area (Dead Zone) all airsoft weapons will be cleared of BBs and magazines. As well as set to safe and have a barrel sock on the barrel to further ensure the safety of fellow players.




B. Basic Rules of Play

1. Safety First!

a. Real firearms and knives are prohibited in the field during game day.


c. Persons under the influence of drugs or alcohol will not be permitted to play and will be required to leave the game location.


2. No Facemask – No Play! All players, organizers or referee’s, and observers are required to wear full-face masks while within the active battlefield.


3. All players will be subject to the following:

a. Personal Safety Equipment Check – Facemask required; elbow and/or knee pads are optional. Players should wear loose fitting clothing, long sleeves, pants and closed shoes


b. Magazine and Ammunition Check – Maximum allowable BB weight is .20 grams-.28 grams. No metal

4. Start and End of Play.

a. No players are to fire their weapons inside the safe zone and are only permitted when instructed to test their airsoft weapon function in the battlefield with face protection on, as in the manner of the player playing in a game, to ensure safety of the individual and anyone else on the game field.


b. Start and end of play will be indicated only by the game officials.

Once end of play has been sounded, all players must immediately remove any

magazines from their guns, point the muzzle of the gun in a safe direction

clear the weapon and proceed to safe area. Before entering the safe area, guns must be cleared, placed in safe mode, and have the barrel sock in place.


5. Players are NEVER to shoot opponents not wearing Facemask, but instead yell “EYES ON” as a warning and report the incident to the game organizers.


6. Those caught not following the prescribed safety measures are subject to penalties by referees.




C. Elimination!

1. A direct hit on any part of the player’s body constitutes a “kill” or elimination.

This includes hits on the person’s clothing, headgear, and equipment attached to his/her body that would be in the direct path or trajectory of the BB to the targets body. The only exception will be hits on the person’s gun. If the player’s gun is hit, he/she may switch to a secondary weapon or participate by acting as an unarmed combatant. (Some scenario rules may apply and/or alter elimination’s to allow for resurrections or player “injuries” according to the pre-game briefing.)


2. Ricochets will not be considered direct hits, intentional, or otherwise.

Penetrating shots are those passing through grass, bush, leaves, or thin material used for cover. They are not considered ricochets even if their trajectories may be somewhat deflected. Instead, they are to be considered as direct hits if they make contact with the targets on the other side.


3. A hit from a player’s own teammate, or “Friendly Fire”, also counts as elimination.


4. Hit players are to confirm their elimination by shouting aloud the word(s) DEAD or HIT, and furthermore, should hold their weapon above their head and proceed to the dead zone or respawn. Any player resuming play, or firing a weapon at an opponent while “Faking Elimination” will be considered cheating and be removed from the game.


5. No Holding or Grappling!

a. Physical contact between players is not permitted. This is to include excessive shooting of a player and or a game Referee. If a player is caught shooting a referee on purpose or supposed accident, the offending player will be removed from game play.


b. Holding on to an opponent, his/her gun, or equipment (Grappling) is not allowed.


c. Exception, however, would be light taps on any part of the opponent’s body, gun, and/or equipment. Such action will be considered as silent elimination or “Knife Kill” of a particular opponent.


6. Avoid Inflicting Unnecessary Pain!

a. Point-blank shooting is discouraged. Players who encounter opponents at point-blank range (less than 10 feet away) must first demand their opponents SURRENDER. The opponent may choose to not surrender and try to escape, at which point the player is allowed to shoot at point-blank range SEMI AUTO ONLY.


b. Player should immediately stop shooting at opponents that have signified elimination or surrender. eliminated players should make sure their elimination is made clearly obvious to avoid getting shot further, or repeatedly.


7. Knives

a. Real knives are banned from CHEMICAL AIRSOFT Airsoft Games. DO NOT bring them. You will be asked to return them to your vehicle for the duration of the game.


b. Training Knives: Plastic and rubber training knives are allowed during games.

i. Knife Kill: A knife kill is defined as making contact with an unsuspecting opponent using a training knife 2 second count.

ii. A player eliminated with a knife kill should remove themselves form the field only after released by the eliminating player. This allows the stealth player to move on or prepare for their next step.


8. Dead Men Tell No Tales!

a. Eliminated players must refrain from giving hints, clues, or instructions to other players, still active in an on-going game, which may affect the outcome of an engagement or a game – particularly during a tournament or competition.


b. Referees and observers should likewise refrain from passing information, unless the game in progress is being run as training or learning exercise.


9. No Time Out!

a. Once game is in play, no call for a time out will be entertained except in cases of extreme emergency such as serious injury or dispute pertinent to game play.


b. Players, who cannot continue in the game for one reason or another must necessarily eliminate him or herself from the game. They should hold their gun above their head and walk back to the safe area.


c. Those who suffer from equipment breakdown, shortage of ammunition and/or air supply, but desire to remain in the game, must necessarily remedy their situation without calling for time out. The player must exit from the field in order to repair or re-supply, and then return back in at their appropriate spawn point.


10. Referee Decision is Final!

Rightly or wrongly, the referees’ call is final. His/her responsibility is to oversee the general conduct and safety of the game, player adherence to the rules and smooth flow of game action unhampered by time wasting arguments. Officially assigned referees will be wearing ORANGE markings and ORANGE reflective vests, anybody else making field calls without the proper marking will be considered a casual observer. Observer calls may be given due consideration at the discretion of the referee(s) present.


11. Observe Proper Conduct At All Times!

a. Show respect for all other players, referees, and other officials.


b. Foul language is strictly forbidden. Repeated offences may lead to elimination from the current scenario or from the battlefield. CHEMICAL AIRSOFT is a family environment and rude or inappropriate behavior is not encouraged or permitted.


c. Respect and follow the rules, as outlined. These have been set down to give the best possible considerations for safety, realism, playability, and fairness to all players and observers.




D. Rules of Engagement

1. Observe boundaries. Players found outside the field of play or in an area outside the safety parameters may be eliminated from the battlefield or removed from the safe area and are subject to dismissal from the facility.


2. Barrier and Building Use

a. Players may only use on-field barriers and buildings from ground level. Climbing, on top of or through structures poses a safety risk and is forbidden.


b. Players may not enter unauthorized buildings or structures unless otherwise instructed to do so by CHEMICAL AIRSOFT staff.


c. When inside of a bunker or structure SEMI-AUTO is only permitted as to ensure the safety of the players on the battlefield, as well as the use of “SURRENDER” to ensure that the players on the field do not receive excessive bodily harm.


3. Use of Communication Equipment is Allowed

a. The use of radio/electronic communications equipment is allowed during the game.


b. Only active players in a game will be allowed to communicate with each other. Anybody found to be relaying strategic and tactical information to players inside the play field will be considered a combatant and may be shot or eliminated. Observer spies will not be tolerated


4. The use of lasers is only permitted to be shining i.e. pointing on a player’s body everywhere but the face.

This rule is to include face mask so to make sure that a laser light does not have the potential to harm a player’s eye(s). If there is any dispute on this

rule the offending party will be treated under the same rules as if they were cheating.


First is a formal warning, then second is removal from game, and on third offence

dismissal for the day from playing field.


=== Safe Zones ===

Chemical Airsoft has a safe zone (The Dead Zone) to retreat to for players who have been hit or who are not playing. It allows them to safely remove their full face guard, have a break, a drink, and of course, reload.


Dead Zone Rules


Make sure your replica is cleared of BBs before you enter the Deadzone

No magazines in you replica

Your replica must have a barrel sock on.

Do not point your replica at anyone.

You must be in the briefing room by the time limit, if not you will have to wait until next round

Keep your area organized and clean

Secure your equipment

No running or horseplay

No throwing BBs

Wear your mask when entering the field

Listen to all battlefield referees

Failure to respond or obey the rules can get you suspended and or banned from the battlefield

Have fun and be a good sport

What to Expect


This is not a game for the faint-hearted


If you have tried paintball and loved it or you really love first-person shooter games, then this is probably going to be the best experience of your life.


The chemical Airsoft Indoor Battlezone is a place to practice battlescenes, choose your favorite weapons and enjoy the REAL DEAL. Check out our airsoft games for an idea of the variety you can expect.


For first timers, we require long sleeved clothing and full length pants. Wear clothes you don’t mind getting dirty or scuffing up. Wear strong shoes – boots or running shoes are great as this is an active game.


Once you fall in love with Airsoft, as we know you will, check out our retail store for your own stylized gear.


Chrono rules of rifs 

350 FPS using .20g BB. 320 (HPA)

313 FPS Using .25g BB. 281 (HPA)

295 FPS using .28g BB. 260 (HPA)